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2005-11-19 05:57:11 来源:未知
  Posited in Aries, the moon gives the native a keen delight in the quest for love .TO such a person it is a hunt, and the thrill lies in the advance, retreat, and chase. It is an artful mental game of hide-and-seek far more delightful to the hunter than the passionate fulfillment. The peak of this type of passion may be hot , but it will be very brief. When the manoeuvres of the game are exhausted, this flame of passion burns low. The demand is insistent but quickly fulfilled. 

  In a woman’s horoscope this position tends to bring uncertainty into the love life. It gives her a somewhat masculine outlook in love matters, making her too changeable, moody, whimsical and flirtatious. This attitude has often been described as successful, especially when desirous of winning an unwilling mate. With this particular manifestation, it tends to discourage the lover, who, upon such cavalier treatment, gives up, hopeless of winning the beloved. 

  On the other hand, his position of the moon often tends to attract to the woman a man very like her in temperament, He will be brilliant, able, well-to-do and generous, but he will not be steadfast or faithful. 

  In the horoscope of a man with the moon in Aries, the love nature is apt to be subject .to many ups and downs. Natives are likely to meet with all sorts of disappointments and even disillusion. This is caused not so much because the beloved is unworthy, but because this quality of mind attracts persons to the native who already have what used to be called, “a past.” Too often the sweetheart of the native has lived through a tragedy of which “the melody lingers on.” It will be the constant misery of the lover to face this past until he is forced through circumstances to retire for the picture. 

  The moon in whatever position it is found in the horoscope plays a vital part in shaping the heath of the native. While it must not be supposed that the position of the moon can make one ill or well, it can establish boundaries and show inclinations. 

  The position of the moon at birth can point out where the weakest spot is to be, (if afflicted in the natal chart), or can show where the mighty human body will wear the thinnest.
The moon, so largely the director of the energy, will give the native a vast quantity of zest and dash, but at the least indication of excitement or trouble, he is overwhelmed. Too much disturbance will upset the entire system. 

  The head and face are very sensitive, and this includes the skin, bony structure, skull, hair and teeth. The eyes also belong in this group, but under Aries, the “moon is very clear sighted,” and the vision is exceptionally good. The teeth too are often very strong, but they are in constant need of special care. This is caused by irregularities in structure rather than weak teeth. 

  This aspect of the moon often makes care of the diet a necessity. The excess of nervous energy and the hasty excitable living habits of the individual give a positive tendency toward nervous indigestion.
The special complaints of this position are neuralgia, catarrh, and impacted wisdom teeth, fevers, nervous indigestion and apoplexy. 

  ven though the material aims are stressed by the moon in Aries, the spiritual trends of so idealistic and soaring an urge must not be forgotten. The particular message of the spirit imparted by Luna in this position is an intense striving for concrete physical improvements in the life created out of rare thoughts, which are meant to triumph over a disappointing world.
   关键词  >>月亮在白羊座(下)
BEC 四六级新托福

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