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2005-11-19 05:59:11 来源:未知
  People born with the moon in Scorpio have great strength of character, but they are handicapped by the tremendous weaknesses of the birth figure.
  This position bring exaggerated sexual inclinations. These impulses spring from the very roots of the being and are so vicious and so strong that the native is their victim from the earliest youth throughout the life. The tendency here is a constant seeking after a new sensation, an unquenchable urge toward more indulgence and greater variety of experience. This inclination is accompanied by other indulgences, too much drinking and the ceaseless drive of emotional debauch. 不停地寻找新欢. 饮酒作乐.
  With such a configuration it is easy to understand that all through the life dangers of one kind or another would threaten the health and the career. Oddly enough, these people have strength and dependability. They are often talented and pursue their work in the life with the same intensity that they bring to their vices. For this figure makes people of no small talents, and the proportions of everything that they do reaches out into the realms of the spirit.
  Part of this lunation is a deep seeking after the occult. The physical dimensions of this world are insufficient answers to all of the questions that the moon posited in Scorpio asks of life. These natives, when approaching middle age, delve into the secret places of the soul for the answer to the riddle of life. During the youth the eternal curiosity is there, but the chase for sexual experience and the lust for life push occult experimentation into the background. When the sexual fires have been somewhat slaked, other passions come into their own.
  The excesses of this position are fully comprehended and the degrading quality well understood by the native, who is driven beyond himself by his desires, which are too strong for him to do other than satisfy. Long periods of self-abnegation and penance follow these debauches, for the subject is fully aware of just how low he has fallen.
  The reproduction of the species is naturally part of the Scorpio rule, and since the make-up of people in this astrological scheme is a determined survival, this sexual curiosity is a part of their very soul.
  For the men with this lunation is the birth scheme, there is usually a solution. If some degree of self-control is forced upon the native, of only for appearances before the outside world, his business or professional career can continue with a degree of dignity and success. A good deal of determination goes with this position, and therefore despite the unpleasant characteristics already mentioned, the native has resourcefulness and a sense of responsibility not so much to any individual or any group, but to himself. He is always determined to survive, and he owes it to himself to come out on top. 如果能很好的自我控制, 将取得业绩上的成功
   关键词  >>月亮落在天蝎座(上)
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