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2005-11-19 06:00:11 来源:未知
  The moon in Sagittarius is the most intellectual luna position in the Zodiac. People with this birth figure will find themselves seeking knowledge wherever it is to be gleaned in the life. If they are the type that has found formal education beyond their financial reach, the natural impulse will be to study people and situations, and the instinctive reactions to the major problems of living will be superior to the average person’s analysis of the same situations. 促进学习知识.
  People born under a Sagittarian moon will be avid for the experiences of life, and spare themselves nothing when it comes to life’s complications. They seek intrigue, and the more difficult and daring the outline of their lives, they better they like it.
  These are very strong characters, with force, will power and the ability to execute their plans, no matter how daring. Luna Sagittarians have the greatest confidence in their own may conceive could be impractical or impossible. Frequently it is just that, for the daring of their conceptions doer not always take into consideration that most of life’s work is done along simple routine lines. However, what would be outrageous in people of other types is often quite successful when engineered by the Sagittarian type of thought. They are natural-born adventurers and gamblers, and even when of the highest type their philosophy is of the most remote and advanced school. 非常有个性, 有能力执行自己的计划.
  They are irked by anything small, and the proportions of their interests are all large, whether in business or that other field of speculative thought that is so much a part of their existence.
They are very infectious people, and their schemes sound perfectly wonderful. They have an interesting fluent flow of speech, and no other group, with the possible exception of the luna Gemini, talks any more or any better.
  They talk so well that others are always the listeners, the learners and the buyers. They have a fine dramatic delivery, and even the simplest statements acquire importance when they deliver them. The one trouble here is that this ready speech can become gross exaggeration and very dangerous gossip. 象演讲家一般, 使其他人都成为了倾听者. 
  Luan Sagittarians are not always so benevolent, but they are very humorous, and when they ridicule anyone, it is always to entertain a crowd at the victim’s expense.
  This birth figure produces wonderful actors. They are graceful and delightful to watch. They fill every gesture with meaning and effect. Their speech and rendition of lines is alive with charm. No other type play a part to better advantage.
  Sagittarius as a sign has always been regarded as the sportsman’s sign. Luna Sagittarians are not so much inclined to violent hazardous outdoor sport. They are great walkers, and they do go in for outdoor life, but the stress and the mind. 极爱户外冒险运动.
   关键词  >>月亮落在射手座(上)
BEC 四六级新托福

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