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2005-11-19 06:01:11 来源:未知
  Mentally Luna Sagittarians are voracious. They have a tremendous capacity for information, and they can absorb all sorts of subjects. Their interests are legion, and they attack each subject with equal vigor. Some of this activity is rather superficial. Not the interest —that is very sincere—but the digestion of the subject matter, when there are so many interests, must needs be rather incomplete. This same quality is true of the Gemini moon and seems to be a luna difficulty. When the moon gives an intellectual direction to the quality of thought, the digestion is apt to be so in tuitive and rapid that popular belief describes it as too shallow to be thorough. This may or may not be true. 汲取各个方面的知识到贪婪的地步
  The mental qualities of the luna Sagittarian, while very wide, are considered somewhat impersonal. These people are interested in the progress of the world and anything that tends toward human betterment; mind over matter and the exaltation of the mental development of mankind interest them keenly. Individuals, in a personal sense, are less sacred to them. They may be capable of petty mean nesses to individuals, but they are never disloyal to the interests of humanity.
  The men of this birth figure are usually very successful. They are well equipped to succeed in the modern business world, and do not have to grub for the things than they desire. They are great spenders, and enjoy a jolly, pagan sort. They are incurable woman-chasers and have put a great deal of enthusiasm into their dashing love affairs. As husbands, this love for variety is a little disconcerting to the wife. They do, however, select a very high type of woman, passionate, beautiful, and desirable. 射手男适合现代的商业社会, 通常很成功.
  Women having the moon posited in Sagittarius at birth are not quite as fortunate as the men,. These women are highly intellectual, and frequently give their lives to “causes.”  They are handsome, serious-looking women, dignified and admirable, but they are not domestic; while they seek love and marriage, they do not seem to understand the use of those instinctive weapons that bring out marriage in the male quality of thought. They are in every way qualified to make the best of wives, and very often a man would get much more out of life married to the woman with this mental make-up than he does from mating with a possessive little female whose instinct is urging her to capture a protector. 射手女看起来严肃尊贵, 但不喜欢家庭.
  People with the moon posited in Sagittarius have very delicate nervous systems and a decided tendency to overwork themselves. They are very well balanced, on the plane of health, and all of their vital organs are well adjusted to a rapid pace. But they never stop to think of themselves, and drive their own bodies to collapse. Sometimes this nervous pressure externalizes itself in stuttering or some other defect of speech.
  Accidents are frequent with this sign, and usually happen to the legs, hips and thighs. With an afflicted moon, there is a possibility of sciatica, rheumatism, nervous prostration, and hip disease. Many of the ills of this birth figure of accidents created by the recklessness of too much speed and too little judgment. 精神容易紧张, 常加班工作, 但通常都比较注意健康, 会保护自己.
   关键词  >>月亮落在射手座(下)
BEC 四六级新托福

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