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2006-10-30 09:04:10 来源:竞学影视

日瓦戈医生:后代望尘莫及的经典【导演】 戴维-利恩 (David Lean)
【编剧】 罗伯特-鲍特 (Robert Bolt)
【主演】 奥玛-沙里夫 (Omar Sharif)
             朱莉-克里斯蒂 (Julie Christie)

The film boasts of an all star cast. It has one of the most beloved musical scores. It seems that no expense was spared in the filming. It was also a bit shocking for some American audiences in terms of material. Few American films in the early 1960's dealt with a man who loved two women with love scenes to boot! Of course it would be tame and perhaps too simplistic fare for an audience of today, but it was daring at the time.

David Lean focused all his talent as an epic-maker on Boris Pasternak's sweeping novel about a doctor-poet in revolutionary Russia. The results may sometimes veer toward soap opera, especially with the screen frequently filled with adoring close-ups of Omar Sharif and Julie Christie, but Lean's gift for cramming the screen with spectacle is not to be denied. The streets of Moscow, the snowy steppes of Russia, the house in the country taken over by ice; these are re-created with Lean's unerring sense of grandness.

Lean gave the film the necessary grandeur and sweep required for an epic while never losing sight of the intimacy of the characters. He is aided considerably by a magnificent cast: Sharif, despite or perhaps because of his Egyptian background, provides the perfect perspective of an individual observing things around him, each time as if it were new--it's a wonderful performance; Christie is simply luminescent; Chaplin nicely understated; and there's terrific support from Alec Guinness, Rod Steiger, Tom Courtney, etc.

Every scene in this movie feels real. Omar Sharif and Julie Christie along with the rest of the cast, make this movie so believable, you forget you are watching a movie. You enter their world and become fascinated with their lives. Yuri (Omar Sharif/Dr. Zhivago) is the main character and the story revolves around his passion for Lara (Julie Christie). Through the harsh realities of life during at the time, their lives seem eternally intertwined. 

The interplay between the main characters and the large supporting cast is fantastic. The use of Russian plains and mountains as a backdrop for the drama is a tribute to the cinematography. The music score is woven into the fabric, never overpowering the action, but amplifying emotions onscreen. The bleak look at consequences of the "workers' revolution" is bracing. Pasternak's complex story is transformed into an epic film on the level of Lawrence of Arabia.

Note:in terms of  sth. 在某方面   unerring  adj.正确的,无过失的
grandeur  n. 庄严,伟大  cinematography n.电影术

   关键词  >>日瓦戈医生 >>经典
BEC 四六级新托福

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