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十二星座本周爱情 06/01/23

2006-03-03 13:47:03 来源:未知
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
You're a bit prone to get upset at the week's outset. The more you try to welcome the new, the better -- and that'll be much easier starting sometime Tuesday afternoon. Through the middle of the week, your fiery, independent side makes life (and love) very exciting; singletons are in an explore-and-conquer mode, while those in relationships bring some spice into the equation. On Thursday or Friday, you're preoccupied by work or your reputation, but keep those priorities in order; a happy heart comes first. This weekend, your amorous agenda's moving right along, and that's pleasing indeed.

TAURUS (April 21- May 21)
You're extra-passionate and extra-sensitive at the beginning of the week -- a potentially explosive combo that ensures you won't be bored! Get that intensity out with a long run, a primal scream or a good cry. From Tuesday through Thursday, love's more of an abstract, philosophical question. Use the distance to solidify some ideals. Toward the end of the week, romantic plans go smoothly, and a certain someone's bringing a fresh perspective to the table that's rather enlightening. This weekend, you could be inspired to take a walk on the wild side.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21)
Doing a little research about a certain someone at the week's outset pays off big-time, so ask around, type their name into a search engine and generally gather intelligence. Things can definitely be taken to another level between Tuesday and Thursday; why stay on the surface when there's interesting treasure to be unearthed? Ask a deep question to get started. Any kind of business involving others, including business of the romantic kind, could get held up at the end of the week; don't expect big progress now. But this weekend, with your changeable heart, anything could happen.

CANCER (June 22-July 22)
Remain noncommittal at the beginning of the week. There's plenty of time to make dates and decisions, so don't let 'em rush you. Around Wednesday, socializing is problematic; you might prefer some one-on-one time with a certain someone or just to be alone. Be proactive and push things in the direction you want them to go. Your awareness of the emotional state of others and ability to balance various demands makes all the difference from Thursday through Saturday. Love can go really well now. Do something that engages your brain with someone who engages your interest on Sunday.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
Delve into matters of the heart on Monday; there's more here than meets the eye, and you might uncover some sweet stuff. From Tuesday through Thursday, romance is turned up to 11, and it's playing your favorite song. Who'll be your partner at this personal dance party? Lucky them. Around Friday, watch how you're coming across; modesty and a listening ear are more alluring than bragging and blather (surprise, surprise). Those in relationships should be patient with their honey this weekend, while singletons may meet someone as strong-minded as they are - and that could be hot.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
That romantic goal you've got in mind at the week's outset could be a teeny bit unrealistic. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor does love happen overnight. Scale back the ol' expectations. You'll want control around Wednesday, but going with the flow could be surprisingly fun -- and it may lead to some surprising places. Dare to let go. Love's extra sweet and full of pleasantly sticky possibilities from Thursday through Saturday. Indulge in a heaping helping. And if a certain someone messes up your Sunday routine, well, you might not even mind.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
You want it all when it comes to romance at the beginning of the week, and who could blame you? The intensity might throw you for a bit of a loop, but from Tuesday through Thursday some balance is restored. You're using your heart and mind in tandem, to very nice effect. A proposal you make now is well received. Watch for a past romantic issue to resurrect around Friday, allowing you a chance to revise your original response. The weekend brings a couple of very good days for your mental energy, socializing and, yes, matters of the heart.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Love and respect go hand in hand at the week's outset, with you getting your fair share of both. The confidence you're feeling is magical. Around Wednesday, you'll want to pull back and look at the larger picture, particularly before going out on any romantic limbs. Being shrewd on occasion in the love department never hurts. From Thursday through Saturday, there may not be fireworks, but you're very companionable -- and you're communicating clearly and with affection. A possible conflict on Sunday holds a new idea in its hands.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
Some ups and downs characterize the very start of the week, but it's only natural given the shifting nature of romance. Starting on Tuesday, the shifting takes a more positive direction, with an unexpected delight in store if you're willing to explore. Your sense of humor is totally on fire now, and the right person's laughing. Around Friday, a direct approach is definitely best in the love department; gather your thoughts and get 'em out there. Singletons have no problem meeting (and impressing) people this weekend, while the coupled up have a fruitful exchange of ideas.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)
Friends are your best resource when it comes to making a romantic decision at the week's outset. They'll help with a little detachment and a lot of support. A situation's in flux midweek, and you'll need to adjust your ideas accordingly; at the same time, don't rush into anything. By Thursday, it all begins to clarify, with good results for your heart. Friday's a perfect date night, with whatever you plan turning out even better than expected. On the other hand, this weekend things could fall through, but if you're up for last-minute changes, it's more than salvageable.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Get yourself into a social setting at the beginning of the week; nesting may sound good, but the energy you'll get from being around friends (not to mention new people) is even better. You're in an expansive mood from Tuesday through Thursday, telling your best stories and picking up new ideas. Someone's impressed with your generous spirit. Keep yourself in check around Friday; you'll only figure out what's going on by close observation, not interfering. You couldn't really ask for more from the stars when it comes to romance this weekend; how will you use the gorgeous power?

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Be wise about a romantic issue at the beginning of the week. Eyes wide open is the way to proceed now, even while you're going through some emotions. Around Wednesday, the stars send some extra awareness your way, as well as some stellar instincts about how to proceed -- and a little luck. On Thursday and Friday, good energy comes easily, and perhaps from some unexpected quarters. Helping someone else out in the love department keeps the cycle going. Your head may be swimming this weekend, but your heart's in the right place. Give yourself a break.

   关键词  >>十二星座本周爱情
BEC 四六级新托福

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