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星座香水 爱上你的味道

2006-08-08 08:56:08 来源:未知


星座香水ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
It is the impressive, bold, individual perfumes that suit you best. Generally speaking, sweet romantic scents have
trouble keeping up with you. People find you cheerful, energizing and stimulating - you need a fragrance to match! The fragrance to suit your Arien qualities is Calvin Klein.
的积极乐观、朝气蓬勃和热情坦率,Calvin Klein 是最理想的选择了。

TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)
Taurans are attracted to the delicious scents. The fragrances ideal for you personality have either a fruity or floral/fruit theme that will have you senses working overtime. The fragrance to suit your Tauran qualities is Chanel No.5.
金牛:牛儿常被自由清新的香水吸引。水果味或是带着植物芬芳的香水最能展示你的个性魅力。Chanel No.5 就是不错的选择。

GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)
The Gemini fragrance should be upfront and personal! Those ones that become an indelible extension of your most jubilant moods and usually with effervescent floral bouquets.  The fragrance to suit your Gemini qualities is Yves Saint Laurent.
双子:你用的香水应该是前卫而充满个性的。散发着植物清爽香氛的香水绝对可以让你的心情大好。Yves Saint Laurent 就不错哦。

CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
The Cancerian is too practical to be called romantic, but they are notheless drawn to those types of perfumes that are labelled romantic for the sake of categorization. Romantic scents usually are composed of lots and lots of flowers and Cancerians love them! The fragrance to suit your Cancerian qualities is Estee Lauder.
巨蟹:思维保守、不够浪漫的蟹子对待香水的态度却完全不同。他们倾向选择那些有着浓郁花香的浪漫香水。Estee Lauder 不就正好能满足他们的愿望吗?

LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The Leo is a romantic soul. You dream of opulence and romance on a large scale! 星座香水Sometimes when it comes to frangrances you get side tracked and fall in love with the extravagant packaging and names. Leos are very sensual and sometimes very sexy. You should choose romantically sexy perfumes like below : Christian Dior.
狮子:爱浪漫的狮子喜欢眩目高贵的香水。特有的皇族气质让他们更看重香水的品牌和包装。狮子是非常感性的,有时还很性感。那么,Christian Dior 毋庸置疑地成为了他们的首选。

VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)
You are probably the most truly tasteful people of the zodiac. Your perfume selection is usually the most loveliest and flattering. Your scent selection should reflect the charm and coolness your friends associate with you. The fragrance to suit your Virgo qualities is Elizabeth Arden.
处女:你或许是黄道带中最具品味的星座。你通常会选择最可爱、最具魅惑的香水,它们可以充分展示你的优雅和冷静。Elizabeth Arden 就很衬你的气质哦!

LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)
Of all the star signs you are usually the most well appointed and well groomed. A libran who wears anything but a romantic or sensual perfume smells off key. Roses are synonymous with romantic attraction and love, the sure fire perfumes that will compliment you are those that have a lingering quality, especially roses. The fragrance to suit your Libran qualities is Clinique.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
The Scorpion style is QUALITY instead of quantity. Magnetism is a natural quality of yours and you should make the most of it with your choice of fragrance. You wear orientals much better than any other star sign, they suit your passion and air of mystery. The fragrance to suit your Scorpion qualities is Guerlain.
天蝎:蝎子注重品质胜于数量。天生对异性有着巨大吸引力的你在选择香水时更应把握好这一点。你比其它星座更适合亚洲的香水,它们能完美诠释你的激情与神秘。Guerlain 就是如此。

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)
The Sagittarian is seen as being natural, energetic and vivacious. You are drawn to the fresh uncomplicated fragrances. Using perfumes with lightness and clarity will underline your infectious personality. The fragrance to suit your Sagittarian qualities is Chanel.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
Once the Capricorn has tried something and it works you tend to stick to it - it is the same for your fragrances. However, there are times when you need to break out and try something different to suit your individualism. The fragrance to suit your Capricorn qualities is Calvin Klein.
摩羯:一旦你选定什么的话都会坚持下去,选择香水也是如此。不过,有时你需要有所突破,多做些不同的尝试。不妨试试Calvin Klein.

星座香水AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
The Aquarian is meticulous when it comes to personal appearance. You do not like fussiness around you or in your perfumes, you want a perfume that shows what you stand for - independence, simplicity and gentility. The fragrance to suit your Aquarian qualities is Elizabeth Arden.
水瓶:在众人面前瓶子总是小心翼翼。你不喜欢过于复杂的香水,而体现独立、简单和优雅气质的香水通常是你的首选。Elizabeth Arden正好能满足你的需要。

PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20) 
The Piscean tends to be nocturnal, live a charmed life and believe that a life without perfume is not quite right. The sensuality of fragrance mesmerises you. This star sign dislikes very few scents, and you will find yourself trying new perfumes all the time until you find one that you will keep for life. The fragrance to suit your Piscean qualities is Cacharel.

   关键词  >>星座
BEC 四六级新托福

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