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狮子座最适合的职业Top 10

2006-08-08 08:57:08 来源:未知

Actor: 演员
Always grabbing attention, Leo loves to be center stage. Whether in the public eye or the life of the party, the Lion will entertain and engage everyone around him or her. Leos can easily express themselves and take on other personalities. Naturally dramatic, they seek to grab the spotlight, sometimes even to the point of making others virtually invisible.

Cardiologist: 心脏病专家
Leo has a lot of heart, but can also specialize in working with patients who have cardiac trouble. They have a talent for understanding this major vital organ and its supporting cast of arteries and the circulatory system. It's no accident that the operating room is sometimes called a theatre and that the heart surgeon becomes the star player. It takes guts and confidence to specialize in this area.

Publicist: 广告业务员
No one can roar like the Lion, and so this career makes good sense for an outgoing big mouth like Leo. Whether they are sending out press releases or maintaining rumor control, Leo is just the person to make sure the right people get informed. This is a great career, because they get to work in the public eye without actually becoming a celebrity. This works well for shyer Leos who prefer to maintain a private life.

Spokesmodel: 演说家
Being sexy, charming, and vocal is right up Leo's alley. As long as she's attractive and takes care of herself, this position could be available to her and would suit perfectly her excessive vanity and need for attention. Having her hair and makeup done and having a stylist is a dream come true. Depending on the product or service, this could be positive or negative attention. All types of products are not only acceptable to Leo, but needed as much as clean air or nourishing food.

Theatrical Agent: 戏剧代理
This is a perfect career for outgoing Leo. The Lion has a unique understanding of the acting profession and loves to facilitate and organize. Just being a part of the entertainment industry makes Leo quiver with delight. Negotiating with casting agents and interacting with actors would be an exciting prospect to a Leo. This career allows them to use their skill in representing the interests of artists and identifying which person on the roster is the best for the audition.

Hairdresser: 理发师
The Lion has a weird fascination with hair. They are excessively vain about their own tresses, but would happily work with others. Leo hairdressers win a lot of hair competitions, where the most dramatic look is the ultimate winner. Leos do well in the salon, because they are able to cultivate a look and a persona that gets attention. They keep their clients entertained and flattered, as well as beautifully coiffed.

Sales Consultant: 销售
Leo loves change and variety, as well as the opportunity to work with the public. This makes him or her an excellent sales person, whether behind the retail counter, doing business development, or on the road with a product line. Lions will maximize their commissions by charming the pants off their customers. Using a unique mix of body language and fast talking, they are able to dance around the most serious reservations and arrive at "yes."

Motivational Speaker: 演讲人
If inspiration or a little kick in the rear is needed for motivation, then Leo is a godsend. They have a natural talent for getting people all fired up and ready for action. Some may see this as bossy and overbearing, but not in this context. Channeling that effusive energy in into something positive is a dream job for our roaring Lion. Leo has no problem being on a platform or telling anyone what to and where to go for success.
   关键词  >>狮子座 >>最适合的职业
BEC 四六级新托福

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