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2007-09-10 18:18:09 来源:未知

Going to the Zoo

环球雅思-中国第一雅思品牌 名师阵容
北雅 IELTS 培训基地是全国最早、最权威进行 IELTS 考试培训研究的专业化、正规化机构,强大的师资。
  韩企、日企定向培养 北京理工大学校本部招生
  中国人民大学计划外 北京文理研修学院招生

  Key Sentences(重点句子)

  790. Look,a pair of eagles from North America.


  791. What are those repulsive-looking birds of prey in the cage beside them?


  792.Those long-tailed, multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.


  793. We'd better go and see the carniverous animals.


  794. Just feast your eyes on that majestic lion prancing about its cage!


  795. He seems fully aware of being“the king of beasts”。


  796.Those sleek leopards are very fascinating.


  797.Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable,though.


  798. Look,the foxes seem to be dead asleep.


  799. Do you like to watch those aquatic animals?


  800. Have you ever seen a giant salamander?


  801. I hear it is very much like a baby.


  802.That big,lazy seal is climbing onto the bank.


  803. You're really attracted by the seals,aren't you?


  Dialogue A

  A:Now,let's go and see the aviary first.

  B:All right. (They enter the aviary. )Look,a pair of eagles from North America. Huge birds,aren't they? And so stately.

  A:What are those repulsive-looking birds of prey in the cage beside them?

  B:They're hawks,buzzards and vultures. Vicious looking creatures,aren't they?Look at the falcons?

  A: I must say I prefer the more gentle type of fowl. Look at those tropical birds,for instance,those long-tailed,multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.

  B:Considering the size and the strength of their beaks,I wouldn't say those parrots look all that gentle.

  A:Look at the peacock. Isn't it beautiful!

  B:Yes,it is. So pround and so beautiful!Well,look at the turkeys,swans,and ducks. Let's go nearer.

  A:We'd better go and see the carniverous animals.

  B:Carniverous animals?What does“carniverous” mean?

  A:“Carniverous” means meat-eating. They feed on other animals. Here we are. Just feast your eyes on that majestic lion prancing about its cage! He seems fully aware of being“the king of beasts”。

  B:He looks great behind the bars,but it wouldn't be funny to meet one in the jungle.

  A:No,of course not. I wouldn't fancy those tigers there as household pets,either.

  B: Those sleek leopards are very fascinating. I've seldom seen such beautiful furs. Oh,here are the jackals,wolves,and wild cats.

  A:What a horrible,moanful noise they're making. It really frightens me. Those white and black giant pandas are gentle and lovable,though.

  B:Look,the foxes seem to be dead asleep. They're probably fed up with all the people staring at them. Shall we go over to see the elephant and monkeys?

  A:O. K. . Let's go.

  Dialogue B

  (Visiting the aquarium)

  A:Look!Why are there so many people crowded there?

  B: Perhaps that's the aquarium. Do you like to watch thoseaquatic animals?

  A:They are my favorites. Isn't it magnificent to see them playing about in water?

  B:Yes,let's go.

  A:Look at those goldfish. Can you name some of them?

  B:That's beyond my power. Oh,those fish are different colors:red,white and black.

  A:Look at that one. There's a flower on its head. It's eyes are like water bubbles.

  B:It's really beautiful. Look, how fast that fish swims. It's chasing that one. It must be a snapper.

  A:Hey,Wang, have you ever seen a giant salamander?

  B:Yes. When I had my work practice in Yanjing Hotel,I saw one in the small water pond which was built in the ground floor of the hotel.

  A:What a pity we can't find one here. I hear it is very much like a baby.

  B:Well,not exactly. That fish has paws which are a lot like the fingers of little babies,but that's all.

  A:What's that over there?

  B:It must be a seal or a dolphin. Let's go have a look.

  A:Oh!It's a seal. Look! That big, lazy seal is climbing onto the bank. It probably wants to get some sunshine.

  B:It looks clumsy on the bank, but is quite graceful in water. Look at that seal. It's doing the breaststroke.

  A:Shall we go and look at the other sea animals?

  B:Oh,wait a moment. How nice to see those seals!

  A:There's still a lot to see,the sea horse and the sea cow,the turtle and sea snakes, and the beaver and globefish.

  B:Come on. That seal is going to play games. The man over there must be the animal trainer. It seems that the seal is quite familiar with him.

  A:You're really attracted by the seals, aren't you?

  B:Yes. Don't you like them?

  A:Of course I do,but we haven't got much time to linger on here. If you are interested,we can find another whole day to have a good look at the seals.

  B:All right.  What else do you want to see?

  A:Let's go to see the turtles,shall we?

  B:O. K. . Let's.

  Words and Expressions

  aviary             n. 鸟舍;鸟类饲养场

  repulsive         a. 使人反感的;可憎的;排斥的

  prey                   n. 被捕食之动物;掠食;牺牲者

  bird of prey                 食肉鸟(鹰等),猛禽

  hawk                   n.    [动]鹰

  buzzard             n. [动]美国秃鹰

  vulture             n. [动]秃鹫,坐山雕;贪得无


  vicious            a. [动]凶恶的;恶意的;恶性的;


  falcon    n. [动]猎鹰

  fowl                   n. 禽

  tropical         a. 热带的

  parrot               n. [动]鹦鹉

  considering   prep.就……而论,考虑到

  beak                   n. (猛禽、甲鱼等的)嘴喙

  swan                   n. [动]天鹅

  carniverous    a. 食肉的

  majestic        a. 威严的;雄伟的;庄严的

  jungle             n. 丛林;密林

  sleek                 a. (动物)养得好的;健壮的;


  leopard              n. [动]豹

  jackal            n. [动]豺

  moanful            a. 呻吟的;悲伤的

  aquarium        水族馆;养鱼缸

  aquatic            a. 水的;水产的;水栖的

  aquatic animal               水栖动物

  snapper              n. [动]甲鱼

  salamander     n. [动]蝾螈

  giant salamander            [动]娃娃鱼

  paw                     n. 脚,爪,爪子

  seal                   n. 海豹;海豹(毛)皮

  dolphin             n. [动]海豚

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