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新东方在线>> 商务口语特训营 >> 会计英语口语特训营
授课学校: 新东方在线
上课地点: 新东方在线 >> 网络课程
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课程学时: 有 效 期:120天
课程价格: 原价:800 元     中招特惠:700 元
授课时间: 随到随学
详细情况: 会计英语口语特训营 详情介绍 免费试听 实战口语之美国商业(跨文化交流和社交礼仪) ¥700 适用对象: 详情:会计英语口语特训营课 时 数:0.0课时 有 效 期:120天 主讲老师: 定  价:800.0元 促 销 价:700.0元 优惠金额:100.0元 产品介绍: 新东方海外团队精心设计制作的系列商务口语特训课程,利用世界最先进的语音识别系统,不仅可以随时记录,纠正您的发音,而且利用多重模拟真实商务情景,帮你克服"无话可讲"或"有话不会讲"的尴尬局面。职场丰富多变的场景用语及人性化的人机对练机制可以让学员反复操练,达到"不假思索,脱口而出"的效果,实现在全外语环境下自如交流的境界。 (会计英语100) 中文话题 话题描述 Revenue recognition 收益认定入帐/td> Discussing when revenue is recognized Bill of materials 材料清单/td> Discussing bill of materials Operating costs 营运成本/td> Discussing operating costs Travel and entertainment 出差和接待/td> Reviewing travel and entertainment costs Marketing and sales costs 营销和销售成本/td> Discussion of booking sales costs Research and development costs 研发成本/td> Assessing research and development costs Review 复习/td> Administrative costs 管理成本/td> Discussing administrative costs Taxes 税费/td> Analyzing higher tax rates for the last quarter Balance sheet 资产负债表/td> Reviewing the balance sheet Bank accounts 银行帐户/td> Discussing domestic and overseas bank accounts Accounts receivable 应收款项/td> Discussing accounts receivable Inventory 存货/td> Analyzing inventory Review 复习/td> Physical property 有形财产/td> Discussing physical assets Intellectual property 知识产权/td> Discussing the intellectual property of the company Ownership of property 资产所有权/td> Explaining how intellectual property is maintained Payables 应付款项/td> Discussing the aging of the payables Accruals 应计收支额/td> Discussing the major accruals Notes payable 应付票据/td> Discussing the notes payable Review 复习/td> Line of credit 信贷限额/td> Determining use of line of credit Bank loans 银行信款/td> Answering where the company has bank loans Shareholders' equity 股东资产/td> Discussing shareholders' equity Cash flow 现金流转/td> Analyzing cash flow for the new quarter Audit 审计/td> Preparing for an audit Taxes 税费/td> Discussing income tax returns Review 复习/td>
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