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2005-11-14 20:57:11 来源:未知
 Not long ago, someone was translating a news story on Islam and Muslims from English to Chinese. One of the Muslims in the story was quoted as saying: "We believe in God." What the translator did was to render the word 'God' as 'Shangdi' (上帝) in Chinese.
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    不久前,有人把一则以回教和回教徒为主的英文新闻报道翻译成华文。报道引述其中一名回教徒说:“We believe in God.”这名翻译员竟把它译成:“我们相信上帝。”

  Now the definition of Shangdi is 'God', but this word is used almost exclusively for, and is widely understood to be referring to, the God of the Christian faith.


  We do not know why the translator made that mistake. Probably he had used that Chinese word without being aware of the religious nuances inherent in that word.


  The above anecdote serves to remind us that it is imperative for translators and interpreters to be aware of the differences between peoples and cultures. A correct word used in a wrong cultural or religious context is a wrong word.


  But the world today is being transformed at an unprecedented pace. Things around us are changing all the time ----new technology, new inventions, new cultures. New words are being churned out at an amazing speed.


  Thus, one of the challenges for translators and interpreters is to learn to appreciate differences and also to keep up with the constant change that is happening all around us.


  There are many examples of mis-translations or bad translations because the translators were ignorant of the cultural differences between languages.


  I remember watching a movie a few years back in which one character asked another whether or not he wanted a nightcap. The context of that scene clearly indicated that the former was talking about having a drink before going to bed. But I was rather amused by the Chinese subtitles which had the first character asking the second whether he wanted something to put on his head before going to bed.


  I once attempted to read an English translated version of the Chinese classic novel "The Dream of Red Mansions" (《红楼梦》). In this version, the name of one of the female protagonists, Lin Daiyu (林黛玉), was literally translated as 'Black Jade'. I had to put the book down after reading a few pages about the adventures of Miss Black Jade because I simply could not associate a beautiful maiden of the most delicate disposition with a name like Black Jade.

  我曾尝试阅读一本《红楼梦》的英译本。该译本竟把林黛玉直译成“Black Jade”(即黑色的玉)。翻了几页关于“Black Jade”小姐的事迹之后,我实在读不下去,不得不把译本放下。像“Black Jade”这样的名字,岂能与羞花闭月的孱弱女子相提并论!

  Not only are there differences between Chinese and English, there are differences within each of the two languages as well.


  Within the Chinese language, there are already discernible differences in the Chinese used in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore.


  "Thank you for your cooperation" is still often renderedas "Xiexie peihe" (“谢谢配合”) in mainland China. To most Chinese Singaporeans, this means: "Thank you for your co-ordination"!


  Recently, I came across this Chinese word, tongli xin (同理心), which was not found in any of my dictionaries. It seemed to be a Taiwanese word which means empathy.


  As for English, the same language is used very differently in different places like Great Britain, the United States, Singapore, the Philippines, India and so on. Talk to a non-Singaporean English-speaker about void decks and he or she would probably not know what you are talking about.

  至于英文,同一个字在不同的地方有不同的用法。英文盛行于英国、美国、新加坡、菲律宾、印度等国家,但各国之间却用法不一。倘若我们对一名非新加坡人谈起“void deck”(即组屋底层)的话,他将不知所云。

  In the Philippines, to salvage someone means to execute that person. And the word, evacuate, is not uttered in polite society. It means to move one's bowels.


  These examples show how differences in culture exist among and within languages. The challenge for translators and interpreters is to be aware of these differences.


  However, besides being aware of differences, they must also keep abreast of changes. As we enter the next Century and millennium, we must be adept at knowing or even coming out with new words to render new inventions and new situations.


  With the proliferation of Internet and Internet-related products and businesses, we can expect a myriad of new phrases, terminology and concepts. We need to come up with suitable translations for words, phrases, concepts and procedures. To do this, we must first understand what these are. Therefore, translators and interpreters cannot afford to be lazy. They must make an effort to acquire these new branches of knowledge.


  It is difficult enough just to keep up with the advances in science and technology, what is more difficult, in my opinion, is to keep up with popular culture. Popular culture, especially those emanating from the United States, moves at a bewildering pace. Popular music, fashions, trends, teen-speak: they change as soon as you think you have gotten the hang of them.


  There is a popular phrase coined a few years back in the US, "I'm not going there". Going where? The uninitiated may ask. Actually, the person who says, "I'm not going there" does not wish to talk about a certain issue that crops up in the conversation because he has some emotional aversion to that issue.

  前几年,美国有句流行的顺口溜:“I'm not going there.”(即“我不要到那儿去。”)不知情的人不免要问:怎么回事?到哪里去?说“I'm not going there”的人,其实是因对某个话题有情感上的排斥而不愿意讨论这个话题。

  Right now, Singaporeans are lapping up the American coffee culture that is changing the way we look at the once humble kopi-o. I have noticed that there are no good Chinese translations for beverages like expresso, cappuccino, cafe latte and so on.

  目前美国咖啡文化正在新加坡人当中大行其道、处处留香,使我们对昔日最为普通的咖啡乌看法已有所不同。我发觉到如expresso、cappuccino、cafe latte等饮料,至今还未有理想的中文译名。

  How do we then keep up with all these changes and trends? Dictionaries are useful but quite inadequate. Besides, they become out-dated after some time. I find that one of the best ways for me to keep up is to do what many young people today do: read lifestyle magazines, watch television and MTV, surf the Internet. Besides these, one must also read newspapers, news magazines, journals and the like to keep abreast of developments in the world.


  Keeping up with trends and developments is an on-going challenge, but what is the next step? Sometimes, we lack theconfidence to come up with new translations of words and phrases. We often ask questions like: "How do the mainland Chinese translate this?" Or "What is the word that the Taiwanese or Hong Kongers use?" Why do we even ask these questions? Aren't our translation standards good enough?


  Singapore is so well-positioned, in all aspects, to be aregional language and translation centre. I am rather surprised that we do not even have a school or department offoreign languages in our universities. If the University of Auckland in New Zealand can have a Department of TranslationStudies, surely Singapore, with our claims of being a multi-cultural and multi-lingual cosmopolitan city, do not want to be left behind, do we?


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