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2005-11-19 06:02:11 来源:未知
  This position is quite good for men in a worldly sense. A men with this configuration is usually impersonal in his judgment of the world around him, but he is very selfish regarding his own aims and ambitions. He seldom makes intimate friends, and lays his plans systematically. He seldom makes intimate friends, and usually confides in nobody. His interests are in the commercial world, and politics offer other fertile fields for the type of ability found in this personality. 较少交到知心朋友,不信任任何人.
  Despite the temperamental coldness of the type, these men usually marry. They do not seek romantic love, but rather a partnership based on mutual cooperation. They are very reliable, and take responsibility seriously. If for and reason they become interested in women outside of the home environment, this attitude will become one of permanent infidelity. Usually they are great defenders of their own actions, as this is a type that always likes to be right. In one way or another they manage to make themselves appear to be the injured party. In fact, there is always an urge toward evil in every gesture of this personality. 摩羯男不爱寻找浪漫的爱, 而是倾向于相互合作的关系.
  The women with this position in the native chart are somewhat different. As individuals they are less perverse, and much less sinister in thought. They are austere, masculine in temperament, and intellectual. Life it not very friendly to this type of woman, and all of her ambitions and longings are apt to meet with delays, obstacles and frustration. Most of her difficulties come through a lack of domesticity in the innate disposition. They are very devoted women, who can be trusted with deep secrets, great works, and responsibilities of any kind. They have high standards, and live up to an exalted code of right and wrong. It seems too bad that the types of women so well suited to be the companions of the best varieties of men are often scratched from the list of competitors by the most superficial qualities in the nature of women. If these women were more light-minded, sensitive and whimsical, their matrimonial chances could be increased.
  The health of this group is excellent. They are strong, sturdy people with excellent constitutions. They can work long and hard before any effects are seen on the cast-iron of their endurance. They worry a great deal and sometimes this has a more disastrous effect on their health than ling hours and intense concentration. The general tendency of the position is to brood inwardly over real or fancied wrongs. This condition is dangerous and has been known to destroy the entire digestion. A wholesome diet is very important, and the heavy foods, sharp seasonings and indigestible combinations liked by people of this kind are harmful to them. 健康情况良好, 有好体质. 
  As life goes on there is an increasing tendency toward rheumatism, colitis, and all kinds of indigestion. Skin affections and teeth troubles are part of the weaknesses of this position.
   关键词  >>月亮落在摩羯座(下)
BEC 四六级新托福

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