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The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史

2005-11-19 06:25:11 来源:未知

Part 1
The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史

    Like many other sports, table tennis began as a mild social diversion. Descending, along with lawn tennis and badminton, from the ancient medieval game of tennis. It was popular in England in the second half of the nineteenth century under its present name and various trade names such as Gossima and Whiff-Whaff. After the name Ping-Pong (an imitation of the sound made by the ball striking the table and the vellum bats that were used) was introduced by J. Jaques & Son, the game became a fashionable craze.

    正如其他运动一样,乒乓球只是社会中无足轻重的一部分。它跟草坪网球和羽毛球都是由网球演变而来的。在十九世纪的后半叶,乒乓球就以其现在的名字或其他商名文明于英国。比如: GOSSIMA , WHIFF-WHAFF。

    而当乒乓这个名字被J JAQUES 介绍进来之后,它就开始越来越受欢迎。

    The game was popular in Central Europe in 1905-10, and even before this is a modified version had been introduced to Japan , where it later spread to China and Korea. After a period when it had dropped out of favor in Europe, the game was revived in England and Wales in the early twenties. by that time 'Ping-Pong' had been registered as a trademark, so the earlier name of table tennis was re-introduced. National associations were formed and standardization of the rules began, both in Europe and the Far East.Then, over the next sixty years, table tennis developed into a major worldwide sport, played by perhaps thirty million competitive players and by uncountable millions who play less seriously. However, the game itself has not changed in essence since its earliest days, though it is faster, more subtle and more demanding than it was even only twenty years ago.


Ping-pong Diplomacy (April 6 - 17, 1971) 乒乓外交

    One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People's Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949.


    In various ping-pong games, the most famous is the world championship competition, which was held once a year at the beginning, now, it is held twice a year ever since 1957.


    In 1904, a shanghai shop keeper called Wang Dao WU, brought 10 sets of table tennis tools home, the game was therein introduced to china.


Words Used in Ping-pong Game 有关乒乓球运动的单词


    When the players cannot agree on the outcome of a point played, and they replay the point. In both cases, no point is scored.


Let Serve

    An otherwise legal serve that is replayed because it touched the net. There are no limits or penalties associated with let serves.



    The defensive tactic of returning a smashed ball high over the net, usually with some topspin and/or sidespin, landing near the end of the table. Usually used by a player far behind from the table to make it more difficult for the attacker to smash again.



    An attacker's favorite weapon to set up for a smash. Executed by whipping the wrist and arm to quickly raise the paddle from around the knee to about forehead level, just skimming the ball on the way up. Since this shot generates more topspin than any other, the opponent often blocks the ball back high enough for the attacker to kill. Also very effective in turning an underspin ball into a topspin one.


Part 2
Conversation 对话

Anna:Hey, Jay, what's up lately?
Jay: Well, Anna, long time no seeing you, simol...?
A: Ahha, I see. Did you watch the pingpong game last night?
J: Yeah, haha, I am a pinpong freak, you see.
A: That man who served the first round was simply stupid.
J: Why?
A: Because I don't think He is qualified enough to do the game, not so professional, you see.
J: You mean, even not as professional as you are, right?
A: Come on, don't you kid me...
J: Well...


1. SIMOL: same old 的缩写。 美国口语

2. Freak: 某项活动的痴迷者。

3. Serve: 发球。

4. First round: 第一局

5. be qualified to do sth: 有资格,有能力做……

6. Come on: 口语中的意思是:少来了! 朋友之间调侃

7. kid: 这里是动词,意思是玩弄,耍弄。“don't kid me”口语翻译成“别涮我……”

   关键词  >>The History of Table Tennis 乒乓球的历史
BEC 四六级新托福

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