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十二星座本周运势 05/09/12

2005-12-23 14:29:12 来源:未知
ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
Overindulgence may cause conflicts. Look into alternate means of supporting your financial burdens. You will do best to entertain those you wish to close deals with. You can convince others to follow suit. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. 

TAURUS (Apr. 21- May 21)
You need some rest. Get into fitness programs to keep in shape. Your ambitious mood may not go over well with loved ones. You can’t live your life for others. Problems with skin, bones, or teeth may mess up your schedule. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday.

GEMINI (May 22-June 21)

This could be a serious relationship. Home improvement projects will go well if you delegate work to all your family members. Your involvement in groups will be favorable for meeting new and exciting individuals. Use your charm, but don’t sign or agree to anything. Your lucky day this week will be Wednesday. 

CANCER (June 22-July 22)

Stick to your own projects and by the end of the day you’ll shine. You can make money through solid investment plans. You may want to make changes that will turn your entertainment room into a real family affair. Don’t be too confident that coworkers are on your side. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

You need a day to rest and relax with the ones you love. Don’t be too eager to cut those who have disappointed you from your life. Concentrate on your career and on making money. Do your chores and get on with the things you enjoy doing. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday. 

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

Opportunities may come up at prestigious affairs. Outings with relatives or good friends will provide you with stimulating conversation. You need more space for the whole family. You may find a rare antique this week. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

LIBRA (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

It’s doubtful anyone will try to stand in your way or cut you off at the pass this week. Offer good conversation and a nice soothing lunch. Travel should be on your agenda. Home improvement projects will go well if you delegate work to all your family members. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Be discreet and don’t present your ideas until you’re certain that they’re foolproof. You can expect your mate to get fed up and make the choices for you or back off completely. Get back down to earth and to basics. Someone may be trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday. 

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

You can get others to do things for you but be sure not to overpay them or lend them money. Make career changes that may increase your income. People who try to persuade you to do things their way will annoy you. Don’t get upset. Your lucky day this week will be Saturday.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22- Jan. 20)

Children might be on your mind. Don’t hesitate to make special plans just for two. Put your thoughts on paper. You can enhance your reputation if you treat family and friends with respect and dignity. Don’t be too quick to respond to a plea for help. Your lucky day this week will be Tuesday. 

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Take the time to sort out your personal papers and double-check your financial investments. Opportunities to pamper yourself may unfold. Children could cost you more than you can afford. Do your own thing and everything will settle down. Your lucky day this week will be Monday. 

PISCES (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Take care of your personal needs. Use your added discipline to get what you want. Do your own research and be prepared. You have to take hold of your life and make some crucial decisions. Your lucky day this week will be Thursday.
   关键词  >>十二星座本周运势 05/09/12
BEC 四六级新托福

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