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2006-10-18 08:46:10 来源:竞学影视

  当Ophelia得知父亲的死讯后,伤心过度导致精神失常、投河自杀。她的哥哥Laertes从法国返回丹麦为父报仇。Claudius告诉他哈姆雷特应为他父亲和妹妹的死负责。哈姆雷特也正要返回丹麦。Claudius密谋利用Laertes的杀父之仇致哈姆雷特于死地。 Laertes决定和哈姆雷特角斗,但是 Claudius 在Laertes的刀刃上涂了毒药,还在酒杯中下了毒,如果哈姆雷特赢了,他会让哈姆雷特喝掉。
 Ophelia发殡,哈姆雷特非常悲伤。 他对Laertes说其实他一直深爱着Ophelia,但是他也相信在即将道来的角斗中肯定会有一个人会死。下面是当Ophelia得知父亲的死讯后发疯的情节对白。

OPHELIA :Where is the beautiful queen of Denmark? 
GERTRUDE:What are you doing, Ophelia? 
OPHELIA :(sings) 
        How can you tell the difference
                Between your true lover and some other?
        Your true one wears a pilgrim's hat
                And a pilgrim's sandals and staff. 
GERTRUDE :Oh heavens, what does that song mean, my dear? 
OPHELIA :I'm sorry, did you say something? Please just listen.
        He is dead and gone, lady,
                He is dead and gone.
        At his head is a patch of green grass,
                And at his feet there is a tomb stone. Oh, ho!
GERTRUDE :No, Ophelia— 
OPHELIA :Just listen, please.
        His death shroud was as white as snow— 
GERTRUDE :My lord, look at this poor girl. 
OPHELIA :(sings) 
                Covered with sweet flowers
        Which did not fall to the ground
                In true-love showers. 
CLAUDIUS :How are you doing, my pretty lady? 
OPHELIA :I'm quite well, and may God give you what you deserve. They say the baker's daughter was turned into an owl for refusing Jesus' bread. My lord, we know what we are now, but not what we may become. May God be at your table. 
CLAUDIUS :She's talking about her dead father. 
OPHELIA :Oh, let's not talk about that, but when they ask you what it means, just say: (sings) 
        Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day
                And early in the morning
        I'm a girl below your window
                Waiting to be your Valentine.
        Then he got up and put on his clothes 《哈姆雷特》:奥菲丽亚的悲情歌声
                And opened the door to his room.
        He let in the girl, and when she left
                She wasn't a virgin anymore. 
CLAUDIUS :Pretty Ophelia— 
OPHELIA :Hang on, I'll end it soon, I promise:
        By the name of Jesus and Saint Charity,
                My goodness, what a shame it is,
        Young men will do it if they get a chance:
                By God, they're very bad.
        She said, “Before you got me into bed,
                You promised to marry me.”
        He answers:
        “I would have married you, I swear,
                If you hadn't gone to bed with me.”
CLAUDIUS: How long has she been like this? 
OPHELIA :I hope everything will turn out fine. We must be patient, but I can't help crying when I think of him being laid in the cold ground. My brother will hear about this. And so I thank you for your good advice. Come, driver! Good night, ladies, good night, sweet ladies, good night, good night. 

Notepilgrim n.朝圣者     sandal n. 檀香    shroud n.寿衣 owl n.猫头鹰 
   关键词  >>《哈姆雷特》
BEC 四六级新托福

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