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塔拉迪加之夜: 一个赛车手的传奇

2006-08-21 09:27:08 来源:未知

塔拉迪加之夜Talladega Nights电影剧照  生于赛车世家瑞奇(Ricky)很早便拥有了一个职业赛车手梦寐以求的一切:娇妻,幼子,湖边豪宅,无数冠军头衔……一次意外的撞车事故让他一蹶不振,他能走出低谷么?

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)

Ricky Bobby has always dreamed of driving fast--real fast--like his father, Reese Bobby, who left the family to pursue his racing dreams. Early on, Ricky's mother, Lucy Bobby worried that her boy was also destined to end up as a professional daredevil on wheels.

塔拉迪加之夜Talladega Nights电影剧照Ricky enters the racing arena as a "jackman" for slovenly driver Terry Cheveaux and accidentally gets his big break behind the wheel when Cheveaux makes an unscheduled pit stop during a race to gorge on a chicken sandwich. Ricky jumps into the car and so begins the ballad of Ricky Bobby.

Ricky quickly becomes one of NASCAR's top stars, supported by his pit boys--the impressively large crew chief Lucius Washington, a trio of lovably moronic but loyal crew members, Herschell, Kyle and Glenn, as well as racing partner and boyhood best friend, Cal Naughton, Jr. They are all part of the Dennit Racing team, headed by wealthy Dennit Senior and his petulant son, Dennit Junior, whose jealousy of Ricky Bobby increases with every victory.

塔拉迪加之夜Talladega Nights电影剧照In a short time, Ricky Bobby is on top of the world. He has everything a championship NASCAR driver could ever want--a gorgeous wife, Carley, a lakeside mansion, two hell-raising sons, Walker and Texas Ranger, huge sponsor endorsements and a string of victories from Daytona to Darlington.

Ricky Bobby's "win at all costs" approach had made him a natural hero. But after a frightening crash sends Ricky Bobby to the hospital, he loses his nerve and falls on hard times. When his career and his wife are taken over by his friend Cal, Ricky Bobby turns his back on racing and takes his sons back to his small hometown to live with his mother.

But Ricky just isn't cut for the slow life away from the race track and soon hits rock bottom. His mother reluctantly turns to the only person she can think of to help her son--his estranged father Reese Bobby. Ricky Bobby will do anything to find a way back to the top, no matter how many speed bumps life throws his way.


 ballad  n. 民歌,歌谣,叙事歌

 early on  adv. 在早期

 daredevil  n. 铤而走险的人,蛮勇的人

 arena  n. 竞技场,舞台

 slovenly  a. 懒散的,不修边幅的

 gorge  v. 狼吞虎咽

 petulant  a. 脾气坏的,使性子的

 trio  n. 三重唱,三人组

 moronic  a. 鲁钝的

 gorgeous  a. 华丽的,灿烂的

 mansion  n. 大厦,官邸,公寓

 endorsement  n. 签注(文件),认可

 lose one's nerve  v. 不知所措,慌张

 turn one's back on  v. 背弃,抛弃

NASCAR  abbr. (美国)全国汽车比赛协会
  (National Association of Stock Car Auto Racing )

   关键词  >>爱子心切
BEC 四六级新托福

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