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2007-04-08 17:06:04 来源:未知
环球雅思-中国第一雅思品牌 名师阵容
北雅 IELTS 培训基地是全国最早、最权威进行 IELTS 考试培训研究的专业化、正规化机构,强大的师资。
  韩企、日企定向培养 北京理工大学校本部招生
  中国人民大学计划外 北京文理研修学院招生


  a ability able abnormal about above absorb accept accident account achievement across act action active activity actually adapt add addition adopt adult advance advantage affect African after again against age agency ago agree air alarm alcohol alive all allow almost alone along already also although altitude always America American amount an analysis ancient and animal another answer ant anxiety any anyone anything apparently appear approach arctic area arm around artificial as Asia ask aspirin associate association at atmosphere attack attempt attract available average avoid away

  baby back bad bank base basic bath be beat because become bed before begin beginning behind being belief believe below benefit best better between beyond big bill billion biological biology bird birth bit black blame blast blind block blood blow blue board body bomb bone book born boss both bottom boundary brain brand break breast breed bridge bring Britain British build building burn business but buy by

  cable call can Canada cancer capable car carbon care carry case catch cause cell cent central century certain challenge chance change charge charter check chef chemical chemistry chicken child China Chinese chip choice choose chronic cigar cigarette circuit city claim class clear climate clock close cloud coal coffee cold colleague college color come committee common communicate community company compare competition complete complex computer concentration concern condition conduct conference conflict consider consumer contact contain contaminate continue control cook cope core cost could count country couple course cover crash create critical crop cross crystal culture cure current cut

  daily damage danger dangerous dark data day deal death decade decay decision decline decrease deep defect defend degree department depend deposit depress depression describe design destroy detect determine develop device diagnose diagnosis die diet difference different difficult digit digital direct direction director discover discovery discuss disease disorder distance distribute dive divide do doctor dog dollar dominate donor double down draw dream drill drink drive driver drop drug dry due during

  each ear early earth earthquake easily east easy eat economic economy education effect effective effort egg egypt either electrical electronic element elephant eliminate else emerge enable encourage end enemy energy engineer engineering England English enough entire environment error especially estimate europe european even event eventually ever every everyone everything evidence evolution examine example exchange exercise exist expect expensive experience experiment expert explain expose exposure extent extra extremely eye

  face facility fact factor fail fall family famous far fare farm fashion fast fat fear federal feed feel female few field fight figure fill film finally financial find finding finger fire firm first fish fit five fix flee flight float flood floor flow fly focus follow food for force forecast foreign forest form found four free French fresh friend from front fuel full fun function fund fur further future

  gain game gas gay gene general generally generate generation genetic Germany get give global go goal gold good goods govern government gravity great ground group grow growth

  habit half hand handle hang happen hard have hay hazard he head health healthy hear hearing heart heat height help her here hide high highly him his history hit hold hole home hope hormone horse hospital hot hour house how however huge human hundred hunt hurricane

  I ice idea identify if illness image imagine impact importance important impossible improve in include income increase India indicate individual industrial industry infant infect infection influence information injury inner inside instance instead institute institution intelligence intense interest international into involve iron island issue it its itself

  Japan job journal judge jump just

  keep kid kill kind know knowledge

  lab lack lake land language large last late later launch law lead leading learn least leave left leg less let level lie life light lightning like likely limb limit line link list little live liver living local location locomotive London long look lose loss lot low lower lung

  machine magnetic main mainly maintain major make male man management manager manufacturer many mark market mass match material matter May me meal mean means measure meat medical medicine meet meeting member memory men mental metal method middle might mile million mind mine mineral minute mobile model modern momentum money monitor month more most mother motor mouse move much muscle museum music must my

  name nation national natural nature near nearly necessary need neither network never new news next night no normal normally north northern not nothing notice now number

  object observe obvious occur ocean of off offer official often oil old on once one only onto open operate or order organism other our out outside over own oxygen

  pacific pack pain pair Pakistan panel parent park part particle particular particularly pass past patient pattern pay pen people per percent perhaps period permanent person personal phone physical physicist pick picture piece pilot place plan planet plant play point policy political pollution poor popular population possibility possible potential power predict prefer pregnancy present president pressure prevent prevention price private probably problem process produce product production professional professor profit program progress project promote protect protection prove provide psychological public publish pull purpose push put

  quality quarter question quickly quite

  radiation railroad rain raise range rapidly rate rather reach ready real reality really reason receive recent recently recommend record reduce region relate relation relationship relatively release rely remain remains remember remove replace report represent require research researcher resident resist resistance resource respond rest result return reveal reverse rich right rise risk river robot rock role room route rule run Russian

  safe safety same sample save say saying scan school science scientific scientist score screen screening sea seat second see seem select sell send sense sensitive serious serve service set settle seven several severe shadow shape share she shift ship shock short should show shrink sick side sign signal significant similar simple simply since single site situation six size skate skill skin sleep slightly slow small smoke smoker snow so social society software soil solution some someone something sometimes soon sort sound source south space speak speaker special specialist species speech speed spend sport spot spread spring square stand standard star start state statement station statistic stay steel step still stomach stop store storm story strategy street strength stress strike stroke strong structure struggle student study style subject such suffer suffering sugar suggest summer sun supply support sure surface surprise surprising survey survive suspect sweat swim switch symbol symptom system

  table take talk tap task tax teach teacher teaching team technique technology television tell temperature ten tend term terrorist test than that the their them themselves then theory there these they thing think this those though thought thousand threat threaten three through throughout thus time tiny tissue to tobacco today together ton too top total tower toy track trade traditional traffic train transmit transport travel treat treatment tree trend trigger trouble true try tumor turn twice twin two type

  under underground understand understanding unfortunately union unit universe university unlike until up upon urban urge us use used usually

  value variety various vehicle very vessel view virus vision visit vitamin volcano volume

  wait wake walk wall want war warm warn wash Washington waste watch water wave way we weak wear weather week weight well western wet whale what whatever when where whether which while white who whole whose why wide wife wild wildlife will win wind winter wire with within without wonder wood word work worker world worse would write writing wrong


  year yet you young your

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