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2007-09-20 09:15:09 来源:未知

在Mr. Rudy的指导下,Lisa对面试做好了充分的准备。这天,她来进行面试……

Lisa arrived at Mr. Johnson Liu's office at 2:40 the next afternoon. She found that he was expecting her.

Lisa: May I come in?

Johnson: Yes, please.

Lisa: Is Mr. Johnson Liu here?

Johnson: Yes, I am he. Are you Lisa Wang?

Lisa: Yes, I am. Glad to meet you, Mr. Liu.

Johnson: Have a seat, please.
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Lisa: Thank you.

Johnson: Shall I start our interview, Miss Wang? When will you graduate from your institute?

Lisa: I'll graduate in July this year.

Johnson: You're a language student. Why are you interested in international business?

Lisa: It's a very challenging career. Besides, I want to be a secretary very much.

Johnson: You're right, Miss Wang. Everybody working in our company thinks as you do.

Lisa: May I ask how many countries with which your company has business?

Johnson: We have business with over 50 countries now, such as the USA, Australia, the UK, France, Canada, etc.

Lisa: Then you must need people who are able to use one or two foreign languages?

Johnson: That's why we asked you to come here.

Lisa: I'm excellent in English and know some French. I also have a basic idea of international business and trade.

Johnson: Have you taken any business classes?

Lisa: Yes, I have taken International Business, World Trade, Import & Export business classes. I found they were quite interesting.

Johnson: From your resume, you've also had training in secretarial English, haven't you?

Lisa: Yes, Mr. Liu. I just finished that class two months ago.

Johnson: What makes you come to our company? Have you ever heard of our company?

Lisa: I knew a little about your company from the newspaper. To work in your company is the first choice I should make after my graduation.

Johnson: Can you operate a word processor?

Lisa: No. But I'm interested in learning how to operate one, My typing skill aren't bad.

Johnson: Thank you for your honesty, Miss Wang. Now, do you have any questions to ask me about our company?

Lisa: I'd like to know how the salary is determined in your company?

Johnson: Well, all new employees begin at a standard salary of 2000 Yuan per month. People like you may be given a higher-ranking assignment after the training period. Then your salary may be relatively higher than that.

Lisa: What about other benefits?

Johnson: Everyone has health insurance in our company. Here's a brochure of our company. Please take a copy. It'll tell you more about our company.

Lisa: Thank you.

Johnson: Any other questions?

Lisa: No. I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time.

Johnson: Not at all. Very glad meeting you. We'll let you know the result sometime next week. Thanks for coming.

Lisa: Thank you for giving me this opportunity, Mr. Liu.

Johnson: You're most welcome. Good-bye.

Lisa: Good-bye.

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