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2007-09-20 09:04:09 来源:未知


一定要微笑,握手要有力,真诚地看着对方的眼睛。When you are called for your interview, greet your interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake. Allow yourself to be directed to his office and wait to be offered a seat. Keep your posture erect without being stiff, and sit with your legs uncrossed. Be comfortable, but don't slump down in your seat, don't accept refreshments, and do not touch anything on the interviewer's desk.
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时时留心。During the "small talk," look around the office. Are there trophies or pictures that suggest your interviewer's interest in sports? Are there family pictures and photo opts with prominent people? Be observant without being obvious-you never know when something you observe may be able to be used productively during the interview.

在面试中要保持积极主动。The "small talk" will be limited and your interviewer will begin. You should know why you are there and what you have to offer. Your agenda is to sell your strengths and get hired, so you must be alert to opportunities to get your points made. You must concentrate on what your interviewer is saying and the kinds of questions being asked. The interviewer is leading, but you can control the direction of an interview by having a prepared agenda and concentrating on opportunities to slide your selling points into the conversation.

听清楚问题再回答,回答问题的时候要准确、恰到好处,不要回答地太长、太罗嗦。 If you're asked if it's raining, don't describe the dark clouds. Listen to the question and address the question. Interviewers don't like to hear evasive answers (含糊其词的答案). If you don't know the answer to a question, say so, and tell your interviewer you will get the information for them in the next day or two.

准备好你要问的问题。You will probably be asked if you have any questions. If you prepared well, you should have some questions ready, like who your supervisor would be if you're hired, where your work station would be, would there be regular performance reviews, and what would be the next promotion level.

注意从每一次面试中吸取经验。Never leave an interview empty-handed. When your interview ends, make sure you know your interviewer's name, title, and mailing address, and ask what happens next. Will there be a second interview, and if so, who will be conducting it and when will it take place? Do you have a hiring timetable? Would it be all right to follow up in a few days? Is there any more information that would help you make a favorable decision? If you want this job and feel you are a good match, say so. Let your interviewer know you're ready to accept and exactly when you would be available to report to work. Be assertive without being obnoxious. Close your sale.

面试后要记得给你的面试官写封感谢信。Mail or hand deliver your thank-you note within 24-hours of your interview-this is a must! A hand-written thank-you note on plain paper is fine. Make it brief and courteous. Thank your interviewer for the time and interest, and if you want the job, say so again. Then make plans to follow up on your interview, and continue your job search activity. Your sale is never completed until a start date has been offered.

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